Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

A mommy's love

A real true mommy's love
will take care of u
A real true mommy's love
will guide and light up ur way
A real true mommy's love
will forgive all ur mistake
A real true mommy's love
will let u go to build ur own life
A real true mommy's love
Just give..give and give
And never hope it back
Since even she wants always be with u..but she knows that u is not always hers..caused someday..she knows that a little one will needs u than her..
A real true mommy's love..needs a sincere heart to do..
I wish I can be a mommy like that for angel, Sasha

2 komentar:

  1. uhui co cwittt. lg belajar bahasa inggris ya dut?

  2. eh midut acik2 udh bisa komen k blog lo. udh bisa nyela2 nih gw. muwachmuwach. kangeeennn. eh ramen jg pny blog loh
